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The Three Modules

Fostering Security
The Three Modules



Psycho-educational Module
Attachment theory
Infant brain development
Diagnostic issues
The psychological, physiological and developmental impact of trauma, abuse, neglect and loss
Resilience factors

Factors contributing to successful long-term reparative care.



Caregiver Self Care and Self-reflection Module
Self care
Self-reflection on own attachment history and parenting style
Understanding and managing triggers
Reflection on the child’s behaviour and understand the function underlying the behaviour

Empathy, sensitivity, and responsiveness to the child

Decreasing caregiver stress levels,

Acknowledgement, validation, encouragement and support



Behaviour Management and Skills Training Module
Developing sense of safety and belonging for the child
Developing child’s self-reflective and emotional regulation skills
Parenting to the child’s emotional level
Consequences, rewards and communication
Understanding and managing specific attachment and trauma related behaviours




Programme Description


The Fostering Security programme runs for 10 sessions and each session is two hours long. 


Participants also engage in home activities which involve reading articles and reflecting on aspects of their own or their child’s behaviour.  In an attempt to maintain the effects of the training and continue to provide caregivers with support, training and information after the programme ends a support group, following completion of the Fostering Security programme, is in the process of being established. 


Fostering Security

Fostering Security

© 2016 by Fostering Security.


Lisa Harrington

Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children

Level 1, 506 Eastbourne Street

PO Box 1447

Hastings 4120


Tel: +64 6 974 4078 

Mobile: +64 29 200 5543

Bernice Gabriel

Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital 

Omahu Road

Private Bag 9014

Hastings 4120


Tel: +64 6 878 8109

Mobile: +64 27 233 0316

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